Hopefully you won't need any of this information, but in the event that you do...

- 113 - Police (Polizia)
- 112 - Carabinieri
- 118 - Ambulance (Red Cross)
- 115 - Fire
(You can also call the Police or Carabinieri in case of
fire or medical emergency.)

First you must file a report at a Carabinieri or Polizia station. Both have
offices at Termini station. Otherwise, you can go to one of the following
central police stations:
- Carabinieri - Via Mentana, 6 (north of Termini) or Piazza Venezia (no number, but you can't miss it!)
- Polizia - Via Farini, 40 (south of Termini), Via S. Vitale, 15 (off Via Nazionale to the north), or Piazza del Collegio Romano, 3 (near Piazza Venezia).
Once you have filed a report at one of these offices, go to your embassy.
Travelers' Cheques
Remember to keep your cheques and the receipt for them SEPARATE.
Before filing the police report as above call the toll-free number given by
your bank.
- AmEx: 800 872 000
- Thomas Cook/Mastercard: 800 872 050
- Visa: 800 874 155
Lost or Stolen Credit Cards
Call the appropriate toll-free number listed below, then file a police report
as above.
- AmEx: 06 72280371 or 06 72282 (US cardholders: 800 874 333)
- Diner's Club: 800 864 064
- Mastercard: 800 870 866
- Visa: 800 877 232
In order to make any claims you must always FILE A POLICE REPORT. Then follow
the procedure given by your insurance carrier.

E.C. Citizens are entitled to free health care but must show the E111 form.
Australians are also entitled to free healthcare upon presentation of a valid
MediCare card. Other foreign citizens are entitled to free emergency treatment
at public hospitals.
- Policlinico Umberto I The closest to Termini. Metro Line B: Policlinico.
- Fatebenefratelli On Tiber Island, between the Ghetto and Trastevere. Bus 23.
- Ospedale San Giacomo Via Canova, 29. Close to Via del Corso and the Spanish Steps. Metro Line A: Spagna.
- George Eastman The only 24-hour dental hospital hospital. Viale Regina Elena, 287. Metro Line B: Policlinico.
- San Gallicano Skin hospital. Via S. Gallicano, Trastevere. Tram 8.
Embassies can supply a list of doctors who speak English (or other languages).
There are pharmacies (farmacie) all over Rome, recognizable by a green
cross ouside. A few suggestions:
- Corso Rinascimento, 48 (near Piazza Navona). Bus 492 or 64.
- Farmacia Internazionale. Piazza Barberini. Metro Line A: Barberini.
- Stazione Termini, Main Gallery. Open daily 7:30am-10pm. Metro Line A or B: Termini.
Late Night Pharmacies
All pharmacies have a list posted outside that indicates the pharmacies in the
area which are open late at night. A few suggestions:
- Piazza dei Cinquecento, 49-50-51. Tel. 06 4880019. Bus 78N to Termini.
- Via Nazionale, 228. Tel. 06 4880754. Bus 78N to Via Nazionale.
- Via Cola di Rienzo, 213. Tel. 06 3243130. Bus to Via Cola di Rienzo.